
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Comfort Zone

Do you have that moment when you cant tell dreams & reality apart? When you get up in the morning, there are times you have to ask yourself if what happened was really true or was it all just a dream?

Life is like a roller coaster. Theres ups and downs.

You like the way things are going and dont plan to face the downs anytime soon because you are comfortable with it is and hope it will go on this way. The moment you are, something happens and pulls you down unexpectedly / when you're totally unaware of. Honestly things have been too comfortable lately. I scared.

I miss the excitement of screaming on the roller coaster. *screech* *screams* *laughs out weirdly*


  1. i knew u'll chose something green and colorful. Hahaha...

    Anyway, dont think too much la. the more u think abou tit, the more it'll happen. LAw of attractions says so..^^

    just dont worry be happy~!!!

  2. Haha, i pick this instead of doodle cos i dint like the layout they had for blog entries, abit messy to me :P
