
Monday, December 12, 2011

Oh Hi

Writing was my daily routine. Yes, with a pencil. Then it moved on to virtual blog. Because I was concern of the environment with the amount of paper I am writing.

The other day, Tan found my hand-written 'diary' ; I would rather call it my note. It feels amazing to read what I wrote & how I felt back then. Holding a pencil and scribble on a paper feels somewhat different.

I used to blog a lot back then. I blog about everything, everyone; even the most random thought. It all changed after I started working. I whine too much. I don't want to create a negative impression to people who cares. Also blogging needs time dedication and alil bit of inspiration. I guess alil balance is what I need.

So Hi people. Hope everything's well at your side. Lets catch up soon? :)

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