Since I've started working, I have been too tired after work to talk or to have a decent conversation with mum and dad.
Daily words : Good night , good morning, I'm home, I'm hungry, etc.
Sad dont you think?
All I want to do after work is just spend time with myself, lappy and the other fella. I guess work has been eating me up a lot since I started. I shut myself out from everything else. Although I am feeling more comfortable with what I do, I really don't know if I am gonna survive.
Heck the stupid ego that I 'like' this job and I'm ok. I AM NOT!
I should stop forcing myself. I should stop feeling scared. I should stop finding excuses.
I need to listen to what my heart wants and say it out loud.
If I survive, then I survive. If I dont, then its just an experience I was threw into and I should get up and continue walking. Its just not my thing after all? The experience has been good but I was not at my best. Bleh. Failure is part of life ? But its hard to accept and face it don't you think? No one to blame but myself.
Dad makes me feel better everytime.
Mum makes me feel all warm inside.
Status check: Life sucks at the moment.
Announcement : I might /choose to be unemployed in 1 week. A new beginning? Lets hope for the best :)
" Pemikiran yang terpendam terlalu lama yang tidak diluahkan akan menjadi racun yang bakal membahayakan kesihatan anda and orang di sekeliling "
Lets have random talks in person and laugh :)
Enough of bitching and enjoy life already :)