
Saturday, February 20, 2010

No Goodbye(s)

Hearing a sad sad news like that yesterday was really heartbreaking.

He was one person I love talking to and being around with. He is a good storyteller, smiles all the time and a good motivator. He watched me grow. Now with him not here anymore, I feel a slight pain. It aint going to be the same anymore without his presence.

He has been working hard all his life and has yet to relax. Sometimes life is just too short to not being able to do what you want to do for once. I didnt even meet him this year yet! @________@
He left without saying goodbye *cries*

"Uncle Tan, I am going to miss you. May you rest in peace. "

Confession : I hate this part of life where I wont be able to see/hear people I care as they slowly leave. It hurts and I choose to deny it. I believe that they are still around & always always will be.

Wat luck

The luck that dad had on his bday. The random talk & dream that night that we will have the famous 'Monk Jump over the Wall' came true the morning after. Rofl.

So we decided eat it off , 1 week before CNY. We drove all the way to Nilai, lol. (refer to the shop's name above) The things people do for food. 8 dishes designed for 10 people where only 9 people + 1 kid could show up.

The food guilt started even when CNY is not here. ZOMG! How can we not have Yee Sang? For the record, I have 4 Yee Sang's so far @___@ I hope the number wont continue growing anymore this year. Sighs.

Oh oh, the 'Monk Jump over the Wall' ! I was looking for the Monk but i dont see it. I wander if they blended the monk into the soup xD

My favourite for the nite? The porky stuffed into the mantao! I miss it :(

My second next fav is prawnie! Yumm ~! I like the taste of the sauce that I was tempted to eat the shell itself also *licks* This time around, I had too many prawns. *burps* Kindly stop feeding me prawnie no matter how good the taste is pleaseee. *gonna die from high cholestrol & pimplessss very very soon*

Some other food we had that night inclusive of lap chiong rice, vegeeeee (me hearts brocolli) & bl00p bloop fresh fishy :)

Also we had Cordon Bleu *yum* *glurps it down* I like J

It was a good nite with good food, drink and company :)

My pitiful bloated stomach that night. *pats the growing belly* (its still growing :( ) *sighs*

[ [ PS:

1) Sorry for the picture quality. We kinda forgot to bring the camera out that we resorted to using hp xD

2) For the uber delay post cos I was too tired after work (more like lazyyy =P ) ] ]

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Happy birthday to the one and only boyfriend :)

This song is specially dedicated to you. You always plant a smile in my heart no matter what you do (the bangang-ness in you :P). Thoughts of you makes my day no matter how tough the day was.

Do you know that . . .

I am afraid to love, and yet I love you.
My fear is like a wall I walk right through.
The wall is there, and yet it doesn't stop me.
I need it still, and yet I still need you.

I know someday we will be in a field
Surrounded by the blessing of the sky.
I'll dance with all the freedom of pure joy,
Needing you without a reason why.

But now I'm still afraid that I might lose you,
That you might not accept my desperate need.
You make me laugh and cry and be completely.
You are the flower, I the slender reed.

Love is not a simple yes or no.
Only will and time ordain its truth.
Visions of sweet pleasure come and go.
Embracing love takes wisdom more than proof.

Ich liebe dich mein schatz. Happy Birthday :)
Thank you for all the smiles you have given to me dearie.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The art

I am still learning . .

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Whats tat song?

The song that is describing how I feel now. I am still looking for a song thats expressing myself now.

11th Feb - 6 months since I last seen you , 6 months since I take a peek at your gentle eyes, 6 months since you were around me, 6 months 6 months.

Week 25 tomorrow.

Just one Chance

The day finally came. As much as it hurts to finally know, I have to face it. I wished it was all a dream, but when I woke up this morning, the pain was still there and I knew it was all real. *ouch*

Personal opinion: If you believe in something, we should just go on and see where the route lead us but in one condition; A time limit.

Being realistic can be hard and painful. Truth hurts. But its better than being in denial cos we will continue being in dreamland & not wake up.

I dont know whats next when the period finishes. I am not looking forward to it. If I have an answer to it now, why bother deciding on something then? Fixing an answer in your head is just not right cos you know you already have decided and eventually nothing will change, I think.

Reality check: Happiness is not/never guaranteed.

It sux but can only work out if both parties are willing to work for it. We are willing to give it a shot. Now? Lets see what will come to us next. Be it good or bad, I need to accept it with a smile and with an optimistic thought. Can I?

Will you wait? For something uncertain? A chance is all I ask for.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Album song no 2

Something I ponder upon just now.

Rule 1, ur gf is always right.
Rule 2, if she ever wrong, reread rule 1.

Hahaha. I cant stop laughing reading this. I shall hold on to this rules strongly. Lalala ~

On a side note, the Wubi called me to sing me the Tuesday theme song. I was touched I almost cried. Me miss you loads Wubi. :(

Sighs, I have been feeling like a crybaby lately. I feel touched for the smallest thing people does for me. Is it a good thing?

I miss Penang. I miss everyone back there. I miss the smiles they bring to me. I am looking forward to end of February . I MUST GO BACK !!

Oh well, life goes on . . .

Uhhh, does someone really need to potray / has a "I am interested" face when working to show that you have interest in something you do?

What if that person is emotionless? Like me.

Sighs. I should get a "I am interested" mask and wear it all the time during work. Bleh.

True sad facts:
I am alil tired of putting a smile on my face the whole time.
I am also too lazy to socialize in Mandarin as I prefer to listen, smile and nod away. I try breaking a joke for the past week but you don't seem to get it so I give up and stopped trying.

When I ask question, you dont seem to like it. When I dont ask question, you think I am not interested. Pls dont tell me that I should ask the right question at the right time. Its too subjective.

" Why oh why do I have super short attention span? Now its 10 minutes max. ZOMG"

" Why oh why do I have short term memory lost? "

Will I survive this probation period? Will I get fired? Only time will tell. Maybe I should start looking for a new job XD

I dont understand something. Why does people with a Degree has to perform better compared to people who has a Diploma or lower? When you work, you should strive for excellence no matter what your academic background is. Its just a piece of paper.