
Monday, March 17, 2008


It has been a year long since I'm in the EB. The picture above describes what teamwork really means. To me. Lol.

  • I believe that when a team member succeed in something, it's a succeed for the whole team. Somehow, we would be motivated as the team worked together in achieving this success no matter how the contribution came along. Even moral support make a difference.

And I believe we can achieve more as a team compare to an individual ONLY. Nevertheless, experience being in the EB , working as a team has really tested how much and how far we could go, as a team.

  • We have ups and downs being in the EB. Obviously. Nothing comes easily in life. Challenges come hitting us anytime at anywhere to anyone in the team when we are least aware of. Thus it's up to each and everyone of us in the team to counter that challenge and work hard together as a team to overcome it.
1 year has passed really fast. I will miss the times being in the EB. The support I have gained from the EB's. I will always remember these people unless I have amnesia/ Alzheimer disease. Lol.

Love my team.(initially >> sometimes >> occasionally >> maybe not LoL) But there's room for improvement for each of us. Even me. Hehe.

TEAM. What does it stands for anyway?

T - Together
E - Everyone
A - Achieves
M -More

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