
Monday, May 19, 2008

se-diikiit me-nyampahh

Some rules we ( specifically Malaysians) should know:
  1. Dont bloody block the entrance in the train if u know u are not getting down just yet. Get down and let ppl to go down la... u wont die / miss the train by doing it

  2. Give seats to people who are pregnant/elderly/mum's or dad's carrying their kids/OKU

  3. Let people get down 1st before u enter the train ler

  4. Wait for your turn in the queue

  5. Stop cutting line... your not the only one rushing to work or wherever you're going. Leave home early the next time damm it!!

  6. Look to your left and right before crossing the road... your grandpa/moyang own the freaking road ke? Do u think people would avoid u ALL the time? What if ONE day someone couldnt see you crossing road in time? And bang!! It's your freaking fault!! Even in Uni campus road, we should be careful!!

  7. Stop risking others life... drive carefully if u have passengers !! U have no rights to take others' life.

  8. Throw your rubbish into a bin la... Jeez!! Kalau I throw rubbish in your house / room can ar?

  9. Stop staring at people as if they are some aliens from other planet!

  10. Just because u speak in English , you're not the greatest person on earth!!

  11. Stop using slangs. It's annoying!! AND it's definitely not cool

  12. State specifically where u are. STOP using the famous "I'm on my way" when your actually at home still getting ready!

  13. Stop blaming others for your own mistakes!

  14. Stop complaining about what u dont have all the time. Start working hard to earn it then... jeez!

Anyway it's common sense aite? NOT rules


  1. Ugh, I hate people walking horizontaliy at corridors. You won't die or be left behind if you walk in front or at the back of your friends. Don't walk side by side blocking other people who are walking against you >_<

    Some Malaysian are soooo ethical they think their manners are the best in the world.

    I hate these people... *sob!* ;_;

  2. well this is how Malaysians are... sad to say XP
