
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Poem hopping

So I was poem hopping while trying to get the mood to fall back to sleep. I have been feeling tired these days. I wander if this is the after effect of sleeping at 5am in the morning the other day. But it has been 3 days, I took naps and I am still feeling restless. Gah! 

Some poems I kinda like and agree ~ 

you say i'm always happy & 
that i'm good at everything i do 
but what you'll never realize 
is that i'm a damn good actress too

Music is what i use to get by
lets me sleep good at night
soft melody that raps around me when im tired
Closes my eyes and goes into my mind

Helps me better myself to become a new person
In my body all day long
Helps me to focus
This is my high
I take a pull and i dont know when to stop
Makes me feel so good
This is what i need
This is what i love
I can relate its so hot
This is my heart and my love
Its in my vains
This is what makes me tough
What sewds me and makes me rough
Music is my high and my love.

Life is so mysteriously, but full of thoughts
and could create many ideas that comes in your
mind, heart and desire. All of this are comes from your thoughts.
You only put it in your life practically so you could see
what is in your thoughts for being seen so you could see how it goes all your thoughts deep inside.
Sometimes people doesn’t know about your thoughts so many disagree you of what your thoughts all about.
You should show that your intention is good so they will think of you positively.
Our thoughts sometimes makes us prisoner that could never express your desire you seems that your living in a cage that has no place to go anywhere. Like a birds couldn’t fly just in a one place fly around inside.
I thought that all of us are made equally no rich and poor in the eyes of God but in the eye
s of man they judge you apparently. Our thoughts should be always positive in whatever direction you plan and go whatever your thoughts are until you will reach of it.
Your thought will definitely successful in your life that your are goin to be. Just be positive go for it that your thoughts will be your desire of your hearts makes you accomplish all of this things.
-- by Merlyn J. Sherwood -- 

I open my mouth
to scream but nothing comes out
i try to hit the wall
but i cant move
i want to cry
but no tears will form
i fall to the floor
unable to move,
unable to feel and speak
i have no emotion
i lie here
i lie here completely
by Renee

``````` I am off to bed now. ````````` 

1 comment:

  1. i like the NUMB poem. i feel like that right now =(
