
Saturday, April 25, 2009

A joke

I have something to tell you. Well you can choose to not read on actually. Nothing important geh. 

Promise you wont laugh at me after you read this. I think you will have a different opinion about me after this. Really. 



You know righttt... that when I was at home, I dont cook. Mum does most of the cooking and dad cooks when he is free. When I was here, I was kinda forced to cook since eating out is alil expensive for me. So, thinking what to cook for every meal was a struggle and hell. Have mercy on me, I am a noob when it comes to cooking. 

Well you need a chopping board to cut whatever you have such as meat, vegetable, and whatsoever that you need to chop. Even people you dont like.  

So my chopping board of 1.6 months is breaking into 3 parts. 1 retakan is gonna reach the peak soon, 25% more to go. 1 retakan has 60% more to reach its peak. Gasp. I am going to own 3 pieces of chopping boards in no time. Yay! =/  The more the merrier right? Not in this case.  

Yes yes I know. I am so ganas and scary to my chopping board. I didnt realise how much energy I use and the right way to use it. Not my fault also to begin with.  ( *__* )  

Picture of my pitiful chopping board? Er, I dont think it is right to show it in public.
Embarassing enough with this post.  

Btw it is made of wood, not plastic. Just wanted you to know I am NOT that ganas till I can break a plastic chopping board. I feel better. Alil.


  1. ROTFL!!!!! sorry, I cant resist laughing. LOL!!!!!! I can imagine u chopping away in the kitchen with the "PIANG, PIANG, PIANG" sound ringing down the hallway :P

  2. I know I know! I so ganas, macam mana nak kahwin ni?? LOL

  3. GASP!!! Ching's already thinking about kahwin!!! WOOOTT!!!!

  4. Hahaha. It's that time of the month. Rofl.

  5. O-M-G ! That time of the month to kahwin ????? wahhh you kahwin every month is it ???!!! :P ROTFL

  6. Hahaha. i dont mind. i want more kahwin moneyy... rofl
