
Saturday, June 7, 2008

T for Tension

What I do when I tension?

Easy answer for that. I eat. As a matter of fact, I'll be eating non-stop. It's not a way good way to release tension BUT I just cant help it. *_*

I think I have been overstressing myself for the past 1 week. For the past 3 days, when I reach home, after dinner & a short bath aka mandi kerbau, I head to bed n just pass out on the bed. The moment I touched the pillow, I doze off like a log. Nothing could wake me up. There was 1 night when CL & Tian was chit-chatting at night, mum told them to ssssssshhhhhhhhhh.... I didnt even noticed the noise. Gack... I was that tired. I couldnt wake up also actually.

Anyway TODAY is a public holiday. Was at home lazying around. Didnt want to get off my bed actually. I was sleeping away with my blanky & my soft huggy pillow.... dream after dream.... Then at about 9, dad called me up for breakfast. Yawns. A bit lazy to get up but I did anyway.

Here the piggy-like eating journey begins.

I had a bowl of Penang fish noodles. Self proclaimed Penang food. Mum & dad can cook better meehoon soup than this. Gack.

Back home after the fast breakfast. I was stil feeling hungry. So I decided to fill the bowl with milk and rendam Koko-Krunch in it & eat & eat..... hmmm.......... yummyyyyy

Lalala ~

That was not the end of my breakfast. I had 1 ki-chang. It's like a ketupat rice thingi but it's red beans... I like.... u can only eat this ki-chang during this season.... Mum just came back from collecting the ki-chang and bak-chang.... So I ate it while it was still hot... XP I was not being greedy... just appreciating good food.... bleh (bak-chang is made of pork meat)

12.30 pm - time for lunch.

But mum hasn't finish cooking. She just started actually. Yes yes I dont cook, I do the eating part only. Important u know. What I did, grab myself 2 pieces of bread and spread them with butter/margarine whatever itis, and down it went into my stu-mach.

Nya nya nya ~

Haiz. I was not satisfied. I still feel munchy. So I cook myself maggi mee. Additional bahan: egg & onion. Abit yucky if u ask me. I seriously cant cook. Sobs. I should really start hunting for a chef bf... I dont want to eat yucky food. That is so mengesiankan....

I then continue stuffing myself with quarter full of a bowl of porridge mum cooked and ikan bilis vege.... weeeeeeeee ~ Man, I feel really bad thinking about it now. I'm eating ALOT as if my stu-mach has no max limit.

Anyway,.... I went to Jusco to go for shopping. Window shop actually. I want to do nothing. This is one of it. Supposed to go with mum to buy her a dress for a wedding function she will be attending but she was too tired. Adui ~ What I did.... spot for potential blouses and dresses, take pic of them and show it to mum. We could go there the next day. XP

I did alil shopping myself. Hehe.... Pity Tian , he was my walking clothes holder...

I tried this black dress and I really really like it... BUT there was no reason for me to buy it... Nuuuu ~

This one caught my eye also but it looks really weird at the top. Nah...

To make myself happy, I bought this. Lalala ~ it can cover my fat neck... XP

Lepas pembayaran dibuat di kaunter bayaran, adik Tian & saya went to Nichi. Tengok sini tengok sana. Ambil gambar ini, gambar itu. Mulut ada perasaan macam mahu mengunyah, maka pergi lah kami ke McD untuk membeli aiskrim. Kami membeli ini Banana Toffee. Pertama kali kami berdua makan, sedap jugak... Hehe...

My brain hurts thinking how to write in BM. Then to Tesco we went. Tujuan utama: beli cheap sushi!! Seriously I like the sensation of eating the wasabi..... ahhhhhhh..... mmmmmmm...... nose..... apple juice is good.....

So it's almost dinner time now. It's about 20min to 8pm. I'll be having dinner in about 30 min perhaps. So ya, to eat AGAIN. Tian kinda showed me the pic he took of my tummy.(no I am NOT posting it up) OMG!! Besar gila!! Like pregnant lady's stu-mach edi... 4 months I think.... So de disgusting.... nuuuu !! >_<

Oh ya ... I almost forgot, I shared a bar of Hershey's with Tian after sushi.... oops??

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