
Friday, November 14, 2008

I just dont understand

How can someone be so bitchy and still assumes that everyone likes her?

How can someone leave their used pads & undies in the bathroom unattended? Even if u forgot and remembered after that, throw it properly... yer

How can someone brag so much again and again? Can he just shut up?

How can someone steal a spoon, of all things?

How can someone complains all day & all night long about a person than talk nicely in front of him/her?

How can someone backstabs people, the whole worlds know about it then pretends to be pitiful?

How can someone leave their room door open widely just like that? Masuk pencuri padan muka

How can people be so inconsiderate by laughing away loudly at 2am / 5am as if other people do not exist or they own the whole hostel?

How can someone blast their music super loud at 1 am -3 am?

How can someone enjoy life by complaining about every little thing about their life?

How can someone be so pretentious?

How can a self-proclaimed genius be a genius when he’s played around by a girl? "Genius" indeed

How can someone lie all the time as if it was a norm?

How can someone be so optimistic? In de wrong way

How can someone sacrifice the life and future of their students as a teacher, as an educator?

How can someone claimed contributing so much but no results was shown?

How can de educators with M'ment background talk and teach about Ethics when they themselves are not ethical? Hmmm ... contradicting

How can someone be so contradicting of what they said all the time?

Anyway, people are just so weird, fake, liars & complicated. Mixing around with them too much would just kill your mood. So bleh ~

Identify them and stay far2 away from them.
Or maybe just watch how silly they can get!

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