
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

2 companion + 1

Hunt Hunt Hunt

For the past 2 weeks. It was really about hunting things down. I'm glad I ready a list to look through initially or I would have miss alot of things. Phew. To realise what I miss last minute will definitely make me panic. Thus leaving more things behind. 

Although I have a habit history of packing 3 hours before going off to Penang or boarding a bus but this is different. 

If I left something behind this time, I can't get it through pos laju. Well actually I can but it will cost too much. So nah. What's left in my list? Gloves. Anyone has a pair to spare? I don't accept kitchen gloves lor btw. I don't mind puppet talking dolls though. ^^

Wander if garu-garu la Kagura can be my glove for the moment. Hmmmm...   

Yesterday I finally get to meet Reiki. Weee ~ It's going be harder to meet her with the new curfue. Sobs. Glad that I at least get to spend time with her although it was a really short one. With random walking. Bully time most of it. Passing Santa Footwear for 4 - 5 times? Lol. 

Remind me the next time not to go out with both Reiki and Dan. Not a good idea. They practically bullied me together naturally. Huhu. And I mean pakat-pakat then bully me. Sigh. 

Oh ya. Don't eat chocolate-yyy doughnuts and cheezy stuff in front of Reiki. She might use the picture as her blog material. If you dont eat like how I do, then you're safe. Sigh. The bad side of a handphone equipped with camera. Bleh ~ 

PS: Don't u miss me Reiki? 


  1. No, we didn't pakat. It just came naturally. I myself am suprised at how smooth it went o_O

  2. I know I know.

    You two are partner in crime. Naturally. Sobs

  3. Garu-garu la ! Its aliveeeeeeeee !

    I thought hilang ke ape dah. *wide eyes*

  4. swt. it's sitting there staring at me everyday lor... XD
