
Sunday, March 22, 2009

Late by a Week

As usual my posts are never up-to-date. They are late nowadays due to 'acceptable reasons'. So so the International Office had some Welcome Brunch tingi for all Exchange students. Awww... 
After brunch a tour around Nurnberg. Weee ~ This was my 1st serving for the brunch. There was more food but I was too shy to take the real portion I eaten that day served of course. I find liking towards raw schwine pork, chicken, salami. ^^

We had two options. To pick the English tourist guide or German tourist guide. This decision was really really hard but I ended up in the English tour since less people picked the English one till they noticed they went into the wrong language group. *speechless

I came across this 'interesting' shop name. 

If you think of marrying one day, opt for "Marrying". Gosh. People nowdays has to be more creative with names.  

I am marrying at Marrying.. 
I got my wedding gown from Marrying.. 
Marrying is so cheap.  >__> 

So one of the places we visited was the castle. Although the castle look mighty and big, the King was rather poor. There wasn't much furniture in it, even bed. The King has to 'borrow' furniture from his people. Ooo. But the people was more than willing to borrow them to the King. It's like I don't mind borrowing my things to DBSK. Rofl. 

This (above) was what I had to go through to get to the castle. My my. So high. So steep. So far. I wandered if I would survive climbing all the way up. So I need a plan. Be a parasite to someone. I decided to grab virus' shoulder and depend on her to drag me lazy ass all the way up. She noticed and keep running away. WAhhh ~!! I tried to 'catch' her and ended up running all the way up. I lost my breath like for 2 minutes. I need CPR, damn!  

You see the photo below? With all the windowssss ? If you see them, it was widely used to store grains etc. What's with the many many windows ? They are for ventilation. 

Next destination was the church. St Peter church I think. I can't remember the church name. Old people has bad memories k.  

This crown look-alike tingi (below) was used to keep _____ 's body. There was a shock once when they open the 'coffin' and found ____'s body hasn't rot much. They bedah siasat and found penicillin was used to conserve ____'s body. Ooooo ~ Smart smart ^^

The journey of me getting lost continues in this trip. Sigh. We three were too busy signing the guestbook till we miss the tour group. Noooooo ~!! So we joined the Deutsch tour group. 

I. Have. No. Idea. What. She. Was. Saying

Since I'm a polite girl (ROFL), I pretended to listen, smile and nodded my head. 

Another church(above). We didn't visit it. There's like 2 -3 similar churches like this here in Nurnberg. And according to the tourist guide, there's no way to differentiate these churces as they used the same structure, same material and so on.  X__X 

Picture of me and Yunnie aka precious. Did I mentioned before I love my shades? Hehehe XP But I need more sun here! 

So it was Lidia's birthday two days ago. She sent an birthday invitation email through Facebook. I got a shock reading it. She announced that I'll be dancing at the end of her party. *speechless* I'm like Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. I did prepare something in the end but didn't perform. Hehe. XP Happy Birthday gal!! I had fun ^^ 

This is sweet Carol. She said she'll introduce her friend to me. Friends' gf's birthday date have always started with a 26. And coincidently mine is. I was excited of course BUT he's in Spain. Cehh! The temporary happiness and excitement ended in seconds. I wana go to Spain!!   For the wrong reason XP