
Thursday, March 19, 2009

Lunch und dinner

Me and cooking is never meant to be. Did I tell you? I am always worry the food I cook is not edible. Huhu. 

So I was actually cooking today for both my lunch and dinner. WAH! What an achievement! Tian, tell ma and pa I actually cook!! Rofl. CL would be shocked I cooked and it's edible!! Hahaha! 

My lunch, turned from porridge into claypot rice. But it tasted ok, quite yummy because I was uber hungry since I fried my potato and meat before that. What I learn? Put more water if I wana make porridge the next time! XP 

My dinner was carrot rice. What I learn? Don't be too stingy on the bacon I use. Put more pepper. Fry my bacon and carrot longer. Don't overfry my rice till it flies here and there. Messy! 

Hope I can produce more edible food in near future. Lalala ~ 


  1. LOL, isn't lunch mittagsessen and dinner abendsessen? My Deutsch is going bye bye too! LOL!

  2. Haha. It is it is! But nanti orang tak faham wat i write... Lolx ...
